Immerseum SDK: VR Simulator (version: RC-1.0.0)
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MovementManager Settings

The MovementManager script exposes the following settings which are configurable within the Unity Editor:

Default Input Map
If enabled, uses Immerseum's default movement mapping. (default: enabled)
Be Careful! Be Careful!

If you disable the Default Input Map you will have to provide your own movement mapping through scripting.

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Is Strafe Enabled
If enabled, movement using an input device's x-axis moves the player/user laterally (side-to-side / strafe). If disabled, movement using an input device's x-axis rotate's the camera from side-to-side (yaw). (default: enabled)
Is Run Enabled
If enabled, the player can run (move at twice the default speed). (default: true)
Is Run Active
If enabled, the player is currently running (movement speed is effectively doubled). (default: false)
Gamepad Primary Trigger
This determines which Gamepad Trigger is considered the "primary" one (by default, primary and secondary triggers are mapped differently and so can do different things). Your options are:
  • Left
  • Right (default)

Advanced Settings

Be Careful! Be Careful!
The following are advanced settings that have a significant impact on user experience. Adjust them with caution.
Rotation Ratchet
Sets the number of degrees to rotate the user when a ratchet-rotation input action occurs. (default: 45)
Acceleration Rate
Sets the rate at which the user accelerates when starting movement. (default: 0.1)
Forward Damping Rate
Sets the rate by which forward movement is dampened/smoothed. (default: 0.3)
Back/Side Damping Rate
Sets the rate by which backwards and lateral is dampened/smoothed. (default: 0.3)
Gravity Adjustment
Sets the adjustment that occurs to gravity while the player is in motion. (default: 0.379)
See Also




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