Immerseum SDK: VR Simulator (version: RC-1.0.0)
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Configuring the VRSimulator

The VRSimulator is controlled almost entirely through the Unity Inspector. To adjust any of the VRSimulator's configuration settings, simply select the [VRSimulator] gameobject in your Scene hierarchy. On the Unity Inspector pane you'll see the four scripts that control the VRSimulator's behavior:

Simple VRSimulator Scene / Project

Simple VRSimulator Scene / Project

 These scripts allow you to:

Be Careful! Be Careful!

If you disable default input mapping or default movement mapping, you will need to supply your own using custom scripting. This is an advanced technique.

Configuring the HMDSimulator

The HMDSimulator script exposes the following settings which are configurable within the Unity Editor:

Disable in Standalone
If enabled, will deactivate the [VRSimulator] gameobject when running a standalone build of your scene, thereby completely disabling the VR Simulator's functionality when running your project outside of the Unity Editor.
Display Help Boxes
If enabled, will display helpful explanations in the Unity Editor for all VRSimulator scripts (disabled by default).
Log Diagnostics
If enabled, will display Immerseum SDK diagnostic messages in the Unity Console (disabled by default).
Log Input Actions
If enabled, will log any Input Action Event to the Unity Console (disabled by default).
Camera Rig
The Camera Rig that you wish to use for simulation. If left empty (default), will use whichever Camera Rig is present in your scene - if more than one is present, will default to SteamVR:[CameraRig].
HMD Discovery Time
Neither the SteamVR plugin nor Oculus Utilities for Unity discover a connected HMD right away. It always takes a little time - maybe a few milliseconds, maybe a second or two - depending on your motherboard, graphics card, the resources on your system, etc. This setting lets you configure how many seconds to wait for an HMD before giving up and simulating the HMD. (default: 2 seconds)
Be Aware Be Aware
On our testing rigs, we've found that an HMD will typically be discovered in about 1.2 seconds if it's connected. But as this has varied widely (even on the same machine), we've found that 2 seconds (our default value) works well as a good compromise. Your mileage may vary!
This is the height / position that you wish to simulate. Your options are:
  • Standing (default) - uses User Profile height if available, otherwise defaults to 1.755 (which for Oculus sets eye-height at approximately 1.65).
  • Seated - uses User Profile data if available, otherwise defaults 1.06.
  • Custom - If selected, you can enter your own targeted height at whatever value you choose.
Simulate Controllers
If enabled, will simulate controllers if no HMD is detected. (default: disabled)
Controller Primitive
This is the Unity primitive type that you wish to use when simulating controllers. Your options are:
  • Cube
  • Sphere (default)
  • Cylinder
  • Capsule
  • Custom - If selected, you can select any prefab from your Assets folder. You can use different prefabs for left-hand right controllers if you want.
Controller Scaling
Determines the size of your simulated controller. Assumes each primitive has a size of (1, 1, 1) and scales them up or down appropriate. If using a custom controller primitive, scaling is determined by the prefab itself. (default: 0.05)
Configuring the ControllerManager

The ControllerManager script exposes the following settings which are configurable within the Unity Editor:

Starting Position
This is the positon / posture in which your simulated controllers will start. Your options are:
Origin Simulates "dangling at your waist". They start at more-or-less waist height (lower if seated) and slightly forward of your player avatar's implied body. This slight forward simulation is because players rarely have controllers at rest when in a VR experience, and this lets you more accurately see where your controllers are when in simulation mode.
Origin Position

Origin Position



Simulates "resting on your desk/keyboard". They are at about torso-height and more substantially forward.
Forward Position

Forward Position

Reaching Simulates hands extended out from the shoulder.
Reaching Position

Reaching Position

Boxer Simulates a "puglist's pose" with the hands near eye-level, with one (the primary) hand higher and more forward than the secondary hand.
Boxer Position (Primary Hand: Left)

Boxer Position (Primary Hand: Left)

Prefab Uses whatever position automatically derives from the simulated controller's primitive (useful if you're using a custom prefab to simulate a controller).
Be Aware Be Aware

When using Play mode in Unity, your simulated controllers might seem really small or really far away. That's an artifact of how the SteamVR plugin and Oculus Utilities for Unity compositors render your VR scene to a regular (non-HMD) monitor. Basically, you're getting some "lens warping" effects when going from a stereoscopic view (in your HMD) to a non-stereoscopic view (on your monitor).

By design, the VRSimulator does not adjust for that so as to maintain positional, rotational, and scaling consistency with your actual VR scene. In other words, so long as you're positioning things relative to your simulated controllers, they should be positioned "properly" relative to your user's controllers when you're actually wearing an HMD.

Primary Hand
This determines which hand is positioned the furthest-forward when in Boxer position. It is also exposed programmatically, letting you give your player "handedness". Your options here are:
  • Left (default)
  • Right
  • Ambidextrous - both hands are treated the same
Controller Height Adjustment
This determines the distance by which the controllers should be offset relative to head height. This is a "magic number" used in downstream calculations - adjust with care! (default: 0.48)
Movement Speed
This determines the rate at which simulated controllers move when moving independently of the user's body. (default: 0.5)
Apply Colliders
If enabled, applies a Collider to the controller selected by Apply to Hand. (default: disabled)
You Should Know... You Should Know...

If Apply Colliders is enabled, you can set the same Collider properties as you would if you were attaching a Collider component to a GameObject. These properties will appear right below the "Apply Colliders" setting, and then be applied to whichever hand is indicated by the Apply to Hand setting.

Be Careful! Be Careful!
If you are using a Custom controller primitive, Apply Colliders and related settings will override any colliders that have been attached to your custom controller prefab.
Apply to Hand
Indicates which simulated controllers should get the colliders. Your options are:
  • Left - Only the left-hand controller will get a collider.
  • Right - Only the right-hand controller will get a collider.
  • Ambidextrous (default) - Both controllers will get a collider (with identical settings).
Apply Rigidbody
If enabled, applies a Rigidbody to the controller selected by Apply to Hand. (default: disabled)
You Should Know... You Should Know...

If Apply Rigidbody is enabled, you can set the same Rigidbody properties as you would if you were attaching a Rigidbody component to a GameObject. These properties will appear right below the "Apply Rigidbody" setting, and then be applied to whichever hand is indicated by the Apply to Hand setting.

Be Careful! Be Careful!
If you are using a Custom controller primitive, Apply Rigidbody and related settings will override any rigidbodies that have been attached to your custom controller prefab.
Apply to Hand
Indicates which simulated controllers should get the colliders. Your options are:
  • Left - Only the left-hand controller will get a collider.
  • Right - Only the right-hand controller will get a collider.
  • Ambidextrous (default) - Both controllers will get a collider (with identical settings).
Configuring the MovementManager

The MovementManager script exposes the following settings which are configurable within the Unity Editor:

Default Input Map
If enabled, uses Immerseum's default movement mapping. (default: enabled)
Be Careful! Be Careful!

If you disable the Default Input Map you will have to provide your own movement mapping through scripting.

For More Information...
Is Strafe Enabled
If enabled, movement using an input device's x-axis moves the player/user laterally (side-to-side / strafe). If disabled, movement using an input device's x-axis rotate's the camera from side-to-side (yaw). (default: enabled)
Is Run Enabled
If enabled, the player can run (move at twice the default speed). (default: true)
Is Run Active
If enabled, the player is currently running (movement speed is effectively doubled). (default: false)
Gamepad Primary Trigger
This determines which Gamepad Trigger is considered the "primary" one (by default, primary and secondary triggers are mapped differently and so can do different things). Your options are:
  • Left
  • Right (default)

Advanced Settings

Be Careful! Be Careful!
The following are advanced settings that have a significant impact on user experience. Adjust them with caution.
Rotation Ratchet
Sets the number of degrees to rotate the user when a ratchet-rotation input action occurs. (default: 45)
Acceleration Rate
Sets the rate at which the user accelerates when starting movement. (default: 0.1)
Forward Damping Rate
Sets the rate by which forward movement is dampened/smoothed. (default: 0.3)
Back/Side Damping Rate
Sets the rate by which backwards and lateral is dampened/smoothed. (default: 0.3)
Gravity Adjustment
Sets the adjustment that occurs to gravity while the player is in motion. (default: 0.379)
Configuring the InputActionManager

The InputActionManager script exposes the following settings which are configurable within the Unity Editor:

Use Immerseum Defaults
If enabled, applies Immerseum's default Input Actions. This determines which combination of input buttons, axes, etc. on your different input devices do the same things.
Be Careful! Be Careful!

If you disable Immerseum's default Input Actions but still want to use the VRSimulator's movement management system, you will need to supply your own custom Input Actions. This will require scripting.

 Apply InputManager Settings
  • If your project's Unity Input Manager settings ARE NOT configured with Immerseum's default input axes
    A button will be displayed that lets you automatically apply Immerseum's default settings. When clicked, this button will prompt you to confirm that you wish to over-write your settings, since this operation cannot be undone. When approved, the VR Simulator will over-write your Input Manager settings using Immerseum's default input axes and the button will be replaced with a small confirmation message.

  • If your project's Unity Input Manager settings ARE configured with Immerseum's default input axes:
    A small message confirming that your configuration meets expectations will be shown instead.

    Configuring the PlayAreaManager

    The PlayAreaManager script attached to the [VRSimulator] gameobject exposes the following settings which are configurable within the Unity Editor:


    Input Moves
    Determines what gets moved in response to user input. Available options are:
    • Camera Only. The camera rig is moved, but the range of possible movement is constrained by the Play Area. (default)
    • Camera and Play Area. The camera rig and the play area are both moved in response to input.
    Determines when the Immerseum Play Area is displayed in your scene. The available options are:
    • Always. The Immerseum Play Area is displayed at all times.
    • On Approach. The Immerseum Play Area is displayed when the camera rig or the (simulated) controllers come within a configured distance of the Play Area's inner boundary (selected by default).
    • On Input Action. The Immerseum Play Area is displayed when the user activates a configurable input action (pushes a button, etc.).
    • Never. The Immerseum Play Area is never displayed and is hidden at all times.
    Be Aware Be Aware
    Certain combinations of Display and Input Moves will not work. For example, if you select Input Moves:Camera and Play Area and Display:On Approach, the Immerseum Play Area will never be displayed (because when your avatar moves, the play area moves with it so your distance to the Play Area will never change).
    Within Distance (applicable if Display is "On Approach")    
    Determines the distance (from the play area's inner boundary) at which the Immerseum Play Area gets displayed. When either the camera rig or either of the controllers gets closer than this distance, the Play Area gets displayed. When they move outside of this distance, the Play Area disappears.
    InputAction (applicable if Display is "On Input Action")    
    The name of the InputAction which toggles the activation / deactivation of the Immerseum Play Area. [For a list of default Input Actions please see: Default Input Actions]
    Determines the dimensions of the Immerseum Play Area. Available options are:
    • Not Applicable. This disables the Immerseum Play Area, provided that an HMD is not currently plugged in. If an HMD is plugged in, the HMD's play area settings will override this value.
    • Calibrated. The dimensions of the Play Area will correspond to the calibration of your HTC Vive or Oculus Rift when that calibration is available. It is typically available when the HMD is plugged in. If the calibration is not available, the play area dimensions will default to a size of 3m x 2.25m.
    • 400x300. Sets the play area to 4m x 3m in worldspace.
    • 300x225. Sets the play area to 3m x 2.25m in worldspace.
    • 200x150. Sets the play area to 2m x 1.50m in worldspace.
    • Custom. Allows you to define a custom width / depth for your play area.
    You Should Know... You Should Know...
    The dimensions of an Immerseum Play Area are expressed in terms of their Width (along the x-axis) and Depth (along the z-axis). Custom dimensions are set as a Vector2 where X corresponds to the width (along the x-axis) and Y corresponds to the depth (along the z-axis).
    Border Thickness
    Determines the width of the Immerseum Play Area in worldspace units (meters).
    Configures the Color to apply to the Immerseum Play Area.
    Selects the Material to apply to the Immerseum Play Area. If empty, defaults to the Unity standard material/shader combination, but applies the color selected above.
    See Also

    Input & Movement



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