Immerseum SDK: VR Simulator (version: RC-1.0.0)
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OculusButton Class Members
Fields  Properties 

The following tables list the members exposed by OculusButton.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorOculusButton Constructor  
Public Fields
Public FieldbuttonMaskDetermines the particular OVRInput.Button on the Oculus input device to associate with this Input Button.  
Public FieldcontrollerMaskDetermines the particular input device / controller type from which input along this Input Button should be captured.  
Public FieldrawButtonMaskDetermines the particular OVRInput.RawButton on the Oculus input device to associate with this Input Button.  
Public Properties
Public PropertybuttonTypeOverridden. Determines the device type that the Input Button's virtual button maps to.  
Public PropertyisClickedOverridden. 

Indicates whether the Input Button has been clicked.

Be careful! It is very difficult to actually "click" a button (press it down and release it) in the small window of a single frame. Instead, it is usually wiser to use isReleased or isPressed.
Public PropertyisHeldOverridden. Indicates whether the Input Button is held.  
Public PropertyisPressedOverridden. Indicates whether the Input Button is pressed.  
Public PropertyisPressedAndHeldOverridden. Indicates whether the Input Button is pressed and then held.  
Public PropertyisRawClicked  
Public PropertyisRawHeld  
Public PropertyisRawPressed  
Public PropertyisRawPressedAndHeld  
Public PropertyisRawReleased  
Public PropertyisReleasedOverridden. Indicates whether the Input Button is released.  
See Also


OculusButton Class
Immerseum.VRSimulator Namespace



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