public OVRInput.Button buttonMask
Field Value
An OVRInput.Button value that identifies the physical button on the Oculus input device associated with this Input Button. Accepts one of the following values:
- None
- One - indicates the A button on the Right-hand Touch and the X-button on the left-hand Touch
- Two - indicates the B button on the Right-hand Touch and the Y-button on the left-hand Touch
- Three - not applicable
- Four - not applicable
- Start - not applicable
- Back - not applicable
- PrimaryShoulder - not applicable
- PrimaryIndexTrigger - indicates the LIndexTrigger on the left-hand Touch or the RIndexTrigger on the right-hand Touch
- PrimaryHandTrigger - indicates the LHandTrigger on the left-hand Touch or the RHandTrigger on the right-hand Touch
- PrimaryThumbstick - indicates the LThumbstick on the left-hand Touch, or the RThumbstick on the right-hand Touch
- PrimaryThumbstickUp - indicates LThumbstickUp on the left-hand Touch or the RThumbstickUp on the right-hand Touch
- PrimaryThumbstickDown - indicates LThumbstickDown on the left-hand Touch or RThumbstickDown on the right-hand Touch
- PrimaryThumbstickLeft - indicates LThumbstickLeft on the left-hand Touch or RThumbstickLeft on the right-hand Touch
- PrimaryThumbstickRight - indicates LThumbstickRight on the left-hand Touch or RThumbstickRight on the right-hand Touch
- SecondaryShoulder - not applicable
- SecondaryIndexTrigger - TBD
- SecondaryHandTrigger - TBD
- SecondaryThumbstick - TBD
- SecondaryThumbstickUp - TBD
- SecondaryThumbstickDown - TBD
- SecondaryThumbstickLeft - TBD
- SecondaryThumbstickRight - TBD
- DpadUp - Not applicable
- DpadDown - Not Applicable
- DpadLeft - not Applicable
- DpadRight - not applicable
- Up - indicates LThumbstickUp on the left-hand Touch, RThumbstickUp on the right-hand Touch
- Down - indicates LThumbstickDown on the left-hand Touch, RThumbstickDown on the right-hand Touch
- Left - indicates LThumbstickLeft on the left-hand Touch, RThumbstickLeft on the right-hand Touch
- Right - indicates LThumbstickRight on the left-hand Touch, RThumbstickRight on the right-hand Touch
- Any - indicates any input