Immerseum SDK: VR Simulator (version: BETA-0.9)
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EventManager Class Events

For a list of all members of this type, see EventManager members.

Public Events
Public EventOnApplyCollider

Fired during the instantiation of a simulated controller. During this event, colliders are applied to a specific simulated controller based on the configuration settings in the ControllerManager.

Public EventOnApplyColliderEndFired at the conclusion of the OnApplyCollider event, when a collider has been applied/removed from a simulated controller.  
Public EventOnApplyRigidbody

Fired during the instantiation of a simulated controller. During this event, rigidbodies: https are applied to a specific simulated controller based on the configuration settings in the ControllerManager.

Public EventOnApplyRigidbodyEndFired at the conclusion of the OnApplyRigidbody event, when a rigidbody has been applied/removed from a simulated controller.  
Public EventOnCancelButtonActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleCancelButtonInputAction has been received.

Be Aware Be Aware

The default InputAction configuration used by the VRSimulator assumes that the button is not toggle-able. This means this event will be fired each and every time the button is pressed, regardless of whether the button had been pressed before.

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Public EventOnCancelButtonDeactivationEvent provided for extensibility of default InputActions. Intended to be used when the Cancel Button represents an "on / off" toggle, with one InputAction toggling it on (and therefore firing OnCancelButtonActivation) and a different InputAction toggling it off (and thus firing OnCancelButtonDeactivation).  
Public EventOnDisableVRSimulatorFired when the VRSimulator is to bedisabled.  
Public EventOnInitializeCameraRigFired during the VRSimulator's initialization.  
Public EventOnInitializeCameraRigEndFired when the VRSimulator's camera initialization has completed.  
Public EventOnInitializeControllersFired during the VRSimulator's initialization.  
Public EventOnInitializeControllersEndFired during the VRSimulator's initialization.  
Public EventOnInitializeHMDSimulatorFired during the VRSimulator's initialization.  
Public EventOnInitializeInputActionsFired during initialization of the VRSimulator.  
Public EventOnInitializeInputActionsEndFired when default InputActions have been created and registered, provided that default InputActions are enabled  
Public EventOnInitializePlayAreaFired during the VRSimulator's initialization.  
Public EventOnInitializePlayAreaEndFired when initialization of the Play Area has been completed.  
Public EventOnInputActionEnd

Fired when an InputAction's processing has completed, at the conclusion of the primary listener that handles OnInputActionStart.

Best Practice

If you have many separate listeners all listening for a particular OnInputActionStart, it may be easy to lose track of which listener should invoke EventManager.endInputAction.

As a general rule of thumb, this event should be invoked by the "main" method that deals with the InputAction. "Main" in your case may be the method that does the most, or the method takes the longest, or the method that deals directly with the user's avatar.

Public EventOnInputActionStartFired by the InputActionManager when an InputAction has been detected.  
Public EventOnInstantiateControllerFired during initialization to instantiate a single specific simulated controller.  
Public EventOnInstantiateControllerEndFired when a single, specific simulated controller has been fully instantiated.  
Public EventOnLeftBumperActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleLeftBumperInputAction has been received.

Be Aware Be Aware

The default InputAction configuration used by the VRSimulator assumes that the button is not toggle-able. This means this event will be fired each and every time the button is pressed, regardless of whether the button had been pressed before.

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Public EventOnLeftBumperDeactivationEvent provided for extensibility of default InputActions. Intended to be used when the Left Bumper represents an "on / off" toggle, with one InputAction toggling it on (and therefore firing OnLeftBumperActivation) and a different InputAction toggling it off (and thus firing OnLeftBumperDeactivation).  
Public EventOnLeftThumbstickClickActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleLeftThumbstickClickInputAction has been received and InputActionManager.isLeftThumbstickClickActivated is false.

Public EventOnLeftThumbstickClickDeactivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleLeftThumbstickClickInputAction has been received and InputActionManager.isLeftThumbstickClickActivated is true.

Public EventOnMoveAvatarEndFired when the user's Avatar actually ends its movement to move in response to user input.  
Public EventOnMoveAvatarStartFired when the user's Avatar actually begins to move in response to user input.  
Public EventOnMoveControllerEndFired when a controller has completed its movement operation.  
Public EventOnMoveControllerStart

Fired when a controller is initiating a move. This event is typically invoked by either:

Public EventOnMoveControllerStart_Vector

Fired when a controller is initiating a move to a specific set of coordinates. This event is typically invoked by either:


Public EventOnPauseButtonActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default togglePauseButtonInputAction has been received.

Be Aware Be Aware

The default InputAction configuration used by the VRSimulator assumes that the button is not toggle-able. This means this event will be fired each and every time the button is pressed, regardless of whether the button had been pressed before.

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Public EventOnPauseButtonDeactivationEvent provided for extensibility of default InputActions. Intended to be used when the Pause Button represents an "on / off" toggle, with one InputAction toggling it on (and therefore firing OnPauseButtonActivation) and a different InputAction toggling it off (and thus firing OnPauseButtonDeactivation).  
Public EventOnPitchRotationEnd

If default InputActions are enabled, then this event fires whenever the user's avatar has completed its rotation along the Pitch Axis. This event is invoked via the EventManager.endPitchRotation method, which is itself called at the conclusion of the primary OnPitchRotationStart listener.

Best Practice

If you have many separate listeners all listening for a particular OnPitchRotationStart, it may be easy to lose track of which listener should invoke EventManager.endPitchRotation.

As a general rule of thumb, this event should be invoked by the "main" method that deals with the pitch axis movement. "Main" in your case may be the method that does the most, or the method that takes the longest, or the method that deals directly with the camera.

Assuming default Input Actions are enabled, then the endPitchRotation method will be called and the OnPitchRotationEnd event fired when the camera rotation initiated by OnPitchRotationStart has finished.

Public EventOnPitchRotationStartIf default InputActions are enabled, then this event fires whenever the pitchRotationInputAction ceases to be at rest.  
Public EventOnPositionControllerFired during initialization of the VRSimulator.  
Public EventOnPositionControllerEndFired during initialization of the VRSimulator, when the OnPositionController's primary listener has finished.  
Public EventOnPrimaryTriggerActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default togglePrimaryTriggerInputAction has been received and MovementManager.isPrimaryTriggerInUse is false.

Public EventOnPrimaryTriggerDeactivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default togglePrimaryTriggerInputAction has been received and MovementManager.isPrimaryTriggerInUse is true.

Public EventOnRightBumperActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleLeftBumperInputAction has been received.

Be Aware Be Aware

The default InputAction configuration used by the VRSimulator assumes that the button is not toggle-able. This means this event will be fired each and every time the button is pressed, regardless of whether the button had been pressed before.

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Public EventOnRightBumperDeactivationEvent provided for extensibility of default InputActions. Intended to be used when the button represents an "on / off" toggle, with one InputAction toggling it on (and therefore firing OnRightBumperActivation) and a different InputAction toggling it off (and thus firing OnRightBumperDeactivation).  
Public EventOnRightThumbstickClickActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleRightThumbstickClickInputAction has been received and InputActionManager.isRightThumbstickClickActivated is false.

Public EventOnRightThumbstickClickDeactivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleRightThumbstickClickInputAction has been received and InputActionManager.isRightThumbstickClickActivated is true.

Public EventOnSecondaryButtonActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleSecondaryButtonInputAction has been received.

Be Aware Be Aware

The default InputAction configuration used by the VRSimulator assumes that the button is not toggle-able. This means this event will be fired each and every time the button is pressed, regardless of whether the button had been pressed before.

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Public EventOnSecondaryButtonDeactivationEvent provided for extensibility of default InputActions. Intended to be used when the button represents an "on / off" toggle, with one InputAction toggling it on (and therefore firing OnSecondaryButtonActivation) and a different InputAction toggling it off (and thus firing OnSecondaryButtonDeactivation).  
Public EventOnSecondaryTriggerActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleSecondaryTriggerInputAction has been received and MovementManager.isSecondaryTriggerInUse is false.

Public EventOnSecondaryTriggerDeactivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleSecondaryTriggerInputAction has been received and MovementManager.isSecondaryTriggerInUse is true.

Public EventOnSelectionButtonActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleSelectionButtonInputAction has been received.

Be Aware Be Aware

The default InputAction configuration used by the VRSimulator assumes that the button is not toggle-able. This means this event will be fired each and every time the button is pressed, regardless of whether the button had been pressed before.

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Public EventOnSelectionButtonDeactivationEvent provided for extensibility of default InputActions. Intended to be used when the button represents an "on / off" toggle, with one InputAction toggling it on (and therefore firing OnSelectionButtonActivation) and a different InputAction toggling it off (and thus firing OnSelectionButtonDeactivation).  
Public EventOnTertiaryButtonActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleTertiaryButtonInputAction has been received.

Be Aware Be Aware

The default InputAction configuration used by the VRSimulator assumes that the button is not toggle-able. This means this event will be fired each and every time the button is pressed, regardless of whether the button had been pressed before.

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Public EventOnTertiaryButtonDeactivationEvent provided for extensibility of default InputActions. Intended to be used when the button represents an "on / off" toggle, with one InputAction toggling it on (and therefore firing OnTertiaryButtonActivation) and a different InputAction toggling it off (and thus firing OnTertiaryButtonDeactivation).  
Public EventOnViewButtonActivation

If default InputActions are enabled, fired when the default toggleViewButtonInputAction has been received.

Be Aware Be Aware

The default InputAction configuration used by the VRSimulator assumes that the button is not toggle-able. This means this event will be fired each and every time the button is pressed, regardless of whether the button had been pressed before.

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Public EventOnViewButtonDeactivationEvent provided for extensibility of default InputActions. Intended to be used when the button represents an "on / off" toggle, with one InputAction toggling it on (and therefore firing OnViewButtonActivation) and a different InputAction toggling it off (and thus firing OnViewButtonDeactivation).  
Public EventOnXAxisMovementEnd

If default InputActions are enabled, then this event fires whenever the user's avatar has completed its movement along the X-Axis. This event is invoked via the EventManager.endXAxisMovement method, which is itself called at the conclusion of the primary OnXAxisMovementStart listener.

Best Practice

If you have many separate listeners all listening for a particular OnXAxisMovementStart, it may be easy to lose track of which listener should invoke EventManager.endXAxisMovement.

As a general rule of thumb, this event should be invoked by the "main" method that deals with the x-axis movement. "Main" in your case may be the method that does the most, or the method that takes the longest, or the method that deals directly with the user's avatar.

Assuming default Input Actions are enabled, then the endXAxisMovement method will be called and the OnXAxisMovementEnd event fired when the user's movement initiated by OnXAxisMovementStart has finished.

Public EventOnXAxisMovementStartIf default InputActions are enabled, then this event fires whenever the xAxisMovementInputAction ceases to be at rest.  
Public EventOnYawRotationEnd

If default InputActions are enabled, then this event fires whenever the user's avatar has completed its rotation along the Yaw Axis. This event is invoked via the EventManager.endYawRotation method, which is itself called at the conclusion of the primary OnYawRotationStart listener.

Best Practice

If you have many separate listeners all listening for a particular OnYawRotationStart, it may be easy to lose track of which listener should invoke EventManager.endYawRotation.

As a general rule of thumb, this event should be invoked by the "main" method that deals with the yaw axis movement. "Main" in your case may be the method that does the most, or the method that takes the longest, or the method that deals directly with the user's avatar.

Assuming default Input Actions are enabled, then the endYawRotation method will be called and the OnYawRotationEnd event fired when the camera rotation initiated by OnYawRotationStart has finished.

Public EventOnYawRotationStartIf default InputActions are enabled, then this event fires whenever the yawRotationInputAction ceases to be at rest.  
Public EventOnZAxisMovementEnd

If default InputActions are enabled, then this event fires whenever the user's avatar has completed its movement along the Z-Axis. This event is invoked via the EventManager.endZAxisMovement method, which is itself called at the conclusion of the primary OnZAxisMovementStart listener.

Best Practice

If you have many separate listeners all listening for a particular OnZAxisMovementStart, it may be easy to lose track of which listener should invoke EventManager.endZAxisMovement.

As a general rule of thumb, this event should be invoked by the "main" method that deals with the z-axis movement. "Main" in your case may be the method that does the most, or the method that takes the longest, or the method that deals directly with the user's avatar.

Assuming default Input Actions are enabled, then the endZAxisMovement method will be called and the OnZAxisMovementEnd event fired when the user's movement initiated by OnZAxisMovementStart has finished.

Public EventOnZAxisMovementStartIf default InputActions are enabled, then this event fires whenever the zAxisMovementInputAction ceases to be at rest.  
See Also


EventManager Class
Immerseum.VRSimulator Namespace



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