Immerseum SDK: VR Simulator (version: RC-1.0.0)
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InputAction Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by InputAction.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInputAction Constructor  
Public Fields
Public FieldheldButtonListList of Input Buttons which fire this Input Action when they are held.  
Public FieldheldKeyListList of Unity KeyCodes which fire this Input Action when held.  
Public FieldinternalDescriptionA textual description of the Input Action - may be useful for documentation and validation.  
Public FieldleftTriggerAxisListA list of Input Axes that are intended to manipulate the Left Trigger when moved.  
Public FieldpitchAxisListA list of Input Axes that are intended to manipulate the camera Pitch when moved.  
Public FieldpressedAndHeldButtonListList of Input Buttons which fire this Input Action when they are pressed and held.  
Public FieldpressedAndHeldKeyListList of Unity KeyCodes which fire this Input Action when pressed and held.  
Public FieldpressedButtonListList of Input Buttons which fire this Input Action when they are pressed.  
Public FieldpressedKeyListList of Unity KeyCodes which fire this Input Action when pressed.  
Public FieldreleasedButtonListList of Input Buttons which fire this Input Action when they are released.  
Public FieldreleasedKeyListList of Unity KeyCodes which fire this Input Action when released.  
Public FieldrightTriggerAxisListA list of Input Axes that are intended to manipulate the Right Trigger when moved.  
Public FieldxAxisListA list of Input Axes that are intended to manipulate the user's position on the X-Axis in worldspace when moved.  
Public FieldyawAxisListA list of Input Axes that are intended to manipulate the camera's Yaw when moved.  
Public FieldyAxisListA list of Input Axes that are intended to manipulate the user's position along the Y-Axis in worldspace when moved.  
Public FieldzAxisListA list of Input Axes that are intended to manipulate the user's position along the Z-Axis in worldspace when moved.  
Public Properties
Public PropertybuttonValue  
Public PropertyhasAxisIndicates whether the InputAction has one or more Input Axes defined for any of its available axes.  
Public PropertyhasAxisFiredIndicates whether one or more of Input Action's defined axes has fired (i.e. was not at rest).  
Public PropertyhasButtonIndicates the Input Action has one or more Input Buttons defined.  
Public PropertyhasButtonFiredIndicates one of the Input Action's defined InputButtons has fired.  
Public PropertyhasFiredIndicates that one or more of the inputs that kick off this Input Action were received from the user.  
Public PropertyhasKeyIndicates that the Input Action has one or more input keys defined.  
Public PropertyhasKeyFiredIndicates whether an input key defined for this Input Action has been fired.  
Public PropertyisButtonHeldIndicates whether a defined InputButton for this Input Action is held in the most-recent frame.  
Public PropertyisButtonPressedIndicates whether a defined InputButton for this Input Action is pressed in the most-recent frame.  
Public PropertyisButtonPressedAndHeldIndicates whether a defined InputButton for this Input Action is pressed and held in the most-recent frame.  
Public PropertyisButtonReleasedIndicates whether a defined InputButton for this Input Action is released in the most-recent frame.  
Public PropertyisKeyHeldIndicates whether a defined input key for this Input Action is held in the most-recent frame.  
Public PropertyisKeyPressedIndicates whether a defined input key for this Input Action is pressed in the most-recent frame.  
Public PropertyisKeyPressedAndHeldIndicates whether a defined input key for this Input Action is pressed and held in the most-recent frame.  
Public PropertyisKeyReleasedIndicates whether a defined input key for this Input Action is released in the most-recent frame.  
Public PropertyisLeftTriggerAxisAtMaxIndicates whether the Left Trigger Axis is currently at its maximum value.  
Public PropertyisLeftTriggerAxisAtMinIndicates whether the Left Trigger Axis is currently at its minimum value.  
Public PropertyisLeftTriggerAxisAtRestIndicates whether the Left Trigger Axis is currently at its resting value.  
Public PropertyisPitchAxisAtMaxIndicates whether the Pitch Axis is currently at its maximum value.  
Public PropertyisPitchAxisAtMinIndicates whether the Pitch Axis is currently at its minimum value.  
Public PropertyisPitchAxisAtRestIndicates whether the Pitch Axis is currently at its resting value.  
Public PropertyisRightTriggerAxisAtMaxIndicates whether the Right Trigger Axis is currently at its maximum value.  
Public PropertyisRightTriggerAxisAtMinIndicates whether the Right Trigger Axis is currently at its minimum value.  
Public PropertyisRightTriggerAxisAtRestIndicates whether the Right Trigger Axis is currently at its resting value.  
Public PropertyisXAxisAtMaxIndicates whether the input X-Axis is currently at its maximum value.  
Public PropertyisXAxisAtMinIndicates whether the input X-Axis is currently at its minimum value.  
Public PropertyisXAxisAtRestIndicates whether the input X-Axis is currently at its resting value.  
Public PropertyisYawAxisAtMaxIndicates whether the Yaw Axis is currently at its maximum value.  
Public PropertyisYawAxisAtMinIndicates whether the Yaw Axis is currently at its minimum value.  
Public PropertyisYawAxisAtRestIndicates whether the Yaw Axis is currently at its resting value.  
Public PropertyisYAxisAtMaxIndicates whether the input Y-Axis is currently at its maximum value.  
Public PropertyisYAxisAtMinIndicates whether the input Y-Axis is currently at its minimum value.  
Public PropertyisYAxisAtRestIndicates whether the input Y-Axis is currently at its resting value.  
Public PropertyisZAxisAtMaxIndicates whether the input Z-Axis is currently at its maximum value.  
Public PropertyisZAxisAtMinIndicates whether the input Z-Axis is currently at its minimum value.  
Public PropertyisZAxisAtRestIndicates whether the input Z-Axis is currently at its resting value.  
Public PropertyleftTriggerAxisRawValue

The raw value from the Left Trigger Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the Left Trigger Axis, then returns the greatest raw value from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyleftTriggerAxisRawValue2D

The raw value from the Left Trigger Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the Left Trigger Axis, then returns raw value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyleftTriggerAxisValue

The value from the Left Trigger Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the Left Trigger Axis, then returns the greatest value from defined Input Axes.

Public PropertyleftTriggerAxisValue2D

The axis value from the Left Trigger Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns the axis value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertynameThe unique name given to the Input Action.  
Public PropertypitchAxisRawValue

The raw value from the Pitch Axis$$.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the $$Left Trigger Axis, then returns the greatest raw value$$ from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertypitchAxisRawValue2D

The raw value from the Pitch Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns raw value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertypitchAxisValue

The value from the Pitch Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the Left Trigger Axis, then returns the greatest value from defined Input Axes.

Public PropertypitchAxisValue2D

The axis value from the Pitch Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns the axis value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyrightTriggerAxisRawValue

The raw value from the Right Trigger Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the Left Trigger Axis, then returns the greatest raw value from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyrightTriggerAxisRawValue2D

The raw value from the Right Trigger Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns raw value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyrightTriggerAxisValue

The value from the Right Trigger Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the Right Trigger Axis, then returns the greatest value from defined Input Axes.

Public PropertyrightTriggerAxisValue2D

The axis value from the Right Trigger Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns the axis value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyxAxisRawValue

The raw value from the input X-Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the Left Trigger Axis, then returns the greatest raw value from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyxAxisRawValue2D

The raw value from the input X-Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns raw value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyxAxisValue

The value from the input X-Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the input X-Axis, then returns the greatest value from defined Input Axes.

Public PropertyxAxisValue2D

The axis value from the input X-Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns the axis value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyyawAxisRawValue

The raw value from the Yaw Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the Left Trigger Axis, then returns the greatest raw value from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyyawAxisRawValue2D

The raw value from the Yaw Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns raw value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyyawAxisValue

The value from the Yaw Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the Left Trigger Axis, then returns the greatest value from defined Input Axes.

Public PropertyyawAxisValue2D

The axis value from the Yaw Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns the axis value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyyAxisRawValue

The raw value from the input Y-Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the Left Trigger Axis, then returns the greatest raw value from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyyAxisRawValue2D

The raw value from the input Y-Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns raw value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyyAxisValue

The value from the input Y-Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the input Y-Axis, then returns the greatest value from defined Input Axes.

Public PropertyyAxisValue2D

The axis value from the input Y-Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns the axis value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyzAxisRawValue

The raw value from the input Z-Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the Left Trigger Axis, then returns the greatest raw value from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyzAxisRawValue2D

The raw value from the input Z-Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns raw value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public PropertyzAxisValue

The value from the input Z-Axis.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined for the input Z-Axis, then returns the greatest value from defined Input Axes.

Public PropertyzAxisValue2D

The axis value from the input Z-Axis expressed as a Vector2.

Please Note Please Note
If multiple Input Axes are defined, then returns the axis value with the greatest magnitude from defined Input Axes.
Public Methods
Public MethodderegisterActionRemoves the InputAction from the list of registered InputActions recognized/monitored by the InputActionManager.  
Public MethodEqualsOverloaded. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.  
Public MethodgetAxisValueSource

Returns the type of input device from which the axis value is being returned.

Best Practice
When an InputAction axis has multiple Input Axes defined, the ImmerseumSDK always returns the axis value with the highest value or greatest magnitude.
Public MethodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.  
Public MethodregisterAction

Registers the InputAction with the InputActionManager, thus supporting it in your VR Scene.

Once an InputAction has been registered, the InputActionManager will fire the OnInputActionStart event whenever the InputAction is received from the user's input devices.

Public MethodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.Returns the name property of the InputAction.  
Public Operators
public Operator Equality  
public Operator Inequality  
See Also


InputAction Class
Immerseum.VRSimulator Namespace
Custom Input Handling
Configuring Input & Movement
Custom InputAction Mapping



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