Immerseum SDK: VR Simulator (version: RC-1.0.0)
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Quick Start
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Install the Immerseum VRSimulator

  1. Make sure your Unity project meets the requirements for the Immerseum VRSimulator.
    Please be sure to install the SteamVR Plugin v. 1.1.1 (or higher) and Oculus Utilities for Unity v.1.8 (or higher). Both are required for the VR Simulator to function, even if you're only targeting one HMD with your project.
  1. Download the Immerseum VRSimulator.
  1. Extract the ZIP file to your hard drive.
Best Practice Best Practice

Remember where you extracted the ZIP file - you'll have to find the extracted folder to import the VR Simulator into Unity.

  1. Navigate to the folder where you extracted the ZIP file. You should see the file:
  2. In Unity, open your project (or create a new project).
A New Project in Unity

A New Project in Unity

  1. Select Assets > Import Package > Custom Package...


  1. Find the folder where you extracted the ZIP file. Select the file named: VRSimulator-RC-1.0.unitypackage and click Open.
  1. You should now see the _ImmerseumSDK folder in your Unity project's Assets. This is where the VRSimulator resides, where you can find its prefabs, scripts, and sample scenes.

  1. Drag the [VRSimulator] prefab from _ImmerseumSDK / Prefabs into your scene, and just hit "Play!"

Open a Sample Scene

The VRSimulator comes packaged with sample scenes which you can find in:

Assets /

_ImmerseumSDK /

2_ExampleScenes /

Add the VRSimulator to Your VR Scene

  1. First, make sure your scene Hierarchy contains a -compatible camera rig:
You Should Know... You Should Know...

By default, you can find the camera rig prefabs in the following locations:

SteamVR: Assets / SteamVR / Prefabs /

Oculus: Assets / OVR / Prefabs /

SteamVR:[CameraRig] Oculus:OVRCameraRig Both SteamVR / Oculus
You Should Know... You Should Know...
If your scene contains one active SteamVR camera rig and one active Oculus camera rig, then the VRSimulator will automatically use the SteamVR camera rig when simulating an HMD unless you configure the HMDSimulator's Camera Rig property.
  1.  From your project's Assets folder, find the [VRSimulator] prefab:





  1. Drag the [VRSimulator] prefab into your scene Hierarchy.


And that's it! The VRSimulator is now set up, and you can either use it right out of the box (just hit Play) or Configure the VRSimulator however you'd like.

See Also

Configuring the VRSimulator



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