Immerseum SDK: VR Simulator (version: BETA-0.9)
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MovementManager Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see MovementManager members.

Public Properties
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)accelerationRate

Indicates the rate at which the user's avatar accelerates when moving in your VR Scene.

Best Practice
This property is configured in the Unity Editor. Please see Configuring Input & Movement.
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)backAndSideDampingRate

The rate by which backwards and sideways movement should be dampened.

Best Practice
This property is configured in the Unity Editor. Please see Configuring Input & Movement.
This has been configured based on Oculus Rift best practices to minimize simulation sickness. Please be careful when modifying this value.
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)forwardDampingRate

The rate by which the user's forward motion should be dampened.

Best Practice
This property is configured in the Unity Editor. Please see Configuring Input & Movement.
This has been configured based on Oculus Rift best practices to minimize simulation sickness. Please be careful when modifying this value.
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)gravityAdjustment

The value by which gravity should be adjusted.

Best Practice
This property is configured in the Unity Editor. Please see Configuring Input & Movement.
This has been configured based on Oculus Rift best practices to minimize simulation sickness. Please be careful when modifying this value.
Public PropertyhasMovedIndicates whether the user's Avatar has changed positions since the last frame.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)InstanceThe singleton Instance of this class.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)isPrimaryTriggerInUseGets a value indicating whether the primaryGamepadTrigger is currently being used (is held).  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)isRunActiveIndicates whether the user's movement is currently in "Run" mode (i.e. movement set to twice the normal speed).  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)isRunEnabled

Indicates whether the VR Scene supports Run Mode.

Best Practice
This property is configured in the Unity Editor. Please see Configuring Input & Movement.
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)isSecondaryTriggerInUseIndicates whether the Secondary Trigger is being used (i.e. is being held).  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)isStrafeEnabled

Indicates whether strafing is supported in this VR Scene.

Be careful. Strafing is known to contribute to simulation sickness. We recommend it be disabled.
Best Practice
This property is configured in the Unity Editor. Please see Configuring Input & Movement.
Please Note Please Note
If strafing is disabled, lateral InputActions (e.g. left/right arrows, A/D keys, etc.) will rotate the camera instead of moving the user's avatar.
Public PropertykeyboardRotationRatchet

Determines the number of degrees that the camera shoud rotate when ratcheted by an InputAction.

Best Practice
This property is configured in the Unity Editor. Please see Configuring Input & Movement.
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)primaryGamepadTrigger

Indicates which gamepad trigger should be considered the "primary" trigger.

Best Practice
This property is configured in the Unity Editor. Please see Configuring Input & Movement.
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)useDefaultInputActions

Indicates whether defined InputActions are mapped to movement using Immerseum's Default Movement Mappings.

Best Practice
This property is configured in the Unity Editor. Please see Configuring Input & Movement.

BE CAREFUL! If you have set this property to false but want to support user input, then you will need to either:

See Also


MovementManager Class
Immerseum.VRSimulator Namespace



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